He could've given Christy Canyon the biggest pearl necklace but his aim was off. They could've added the load he dropped on Tracey Adams stomach. That was one of his biggest.
He's fucked every hot starlet in porn for that past 40 years as well as tens of thousands of civilians and fans off screen. The mans sexual charisma is unmatched. Directors said that he would shoot 4 to 5 scenes a day and that his dick was never weak even after coming 5 times, and they would still catch him fucking girls in his trailer or jerking off in the shower after that cameras stopped filming. The man is a machine.
His signature pompadour just brings a little more style and class to his scenes. He took a little extra time to do his hair, to go along with the life time he has put in the gym to sculpt that body and a life time in the sheets to perfect the way he absolutely strokes his costar's.